25th March, 2012
(AREA A-1)
The Area A-1 International Speech and Table Topics Contest was held in Gurgaon Toastmasters Club on the 25th March, 2012. The Contest was a great success. The Contest Chair - Manish Dembla and Girdharee Saran did amazing work. Sergeant at arms helped in arranging the kick starting the meeting - Raj Kishore Sharma and Swapnil Kakad. Timers took note of the time very well - Anesh Demoli and Sachin Jindal. Tally Counters helped in counting the ballots - Dr. O.P. Kansal and Japveer Singh Arora. The Chief Judge of the Contest was Mr. Kaushik Chakrbroty who was assissted with a team of judges.
A Special Thanks to Mr. Chinappa Nanaiah, without whom, the contest would not have reached the heights that it did. The occasion also saw the presence of veteran toastmasters like Mr. Sumeet Niglani and International Director, Mr. Heath Suddleson.